Thursday, October 19, 2006

Icewine sure is sticky...

Today was spent working with wine...icewine actually. Our friends over at Chimpanzee, (a really amazing graphic design firm as well as being really great people) were in need of some shots of icewine. Icewine in glasses, bottles, all kinds of cool stuff. Amanda and I set up the studio and got to work. We wanted to get some really nice, classic looking "pour shots", where the wine is flowing into the glass and looking all pretty. Well, it turns out some people are better at pouring then others. The icewine glass we had was quite narrow, and some of us (AMANDA!) were having a little (LOT) of trouble getting the wine into the glass. So we spilt more then we poured for a while but got the hang of it by the end. Now our studio smells quite sweet (due to the high sugar content in the wine) but a bit like a winery. The shots turned out great though.

Here are a few of the images from the shoot. I didn't include the first one Amanda did...(I don't think any of the wine got in the glass!)

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