I met Sam about a year ago at Melissa & Gerry's wedding. Sam was in the wedding party and within a few hours we knew that he was a character! We got some great photos of him that day, especially later on dancing! That guy can move! Sam contacted us recently and low and behold he is getting married! We met Sally and instantly thought they were a wonderful couple. Sam has this ability to make Sally laugh that is really wonderful.
Let's let the images tell their story. Enjoy!
Click here to view their engagement slideshow.
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We can't wait for the wedding!

We took a walk down the pier and got some great shots at the lighthouse. There is nothing like a 60 foot tall lighthouse as a backdrop I always say.
We took a walk down the pier and got some great shots at the lighthouse. There is nothing like a 60 foot tall lighthouse as a backdrop I always say.
Sally had on these wicked shoes so we had to show them off. Work it girl!
I love this shot. The expressions they have, the angle, the sun, the reflection in the water, the fact that Sam didn't drop her....it all came together.
Down by the pier is the Carousel. It's still $0.05 a ride and open every year. Sam felt like a pretty big spender when he bought as many tickets as we did. We didn't know how many times we were going to go around, so I think he bought 5 bucks worth! Sam is so generous, after we were done, we had only used 6 tickets, so he gave the rest to the kids waiting in line to use. What a great guy!
They were having a great time!
I gave them a moment to co-ordinate their kiss. Do you know how tricky it is to get someone to kiss at the right moment while they are both riding horses that are going up and down separately? It ain't easy!
We then headed outside for some beach shots. I am loving the look on her face! Pure happiness!
Very classic!
When you find a painted wall, use the painted wall!
What a handsome devil!
And the always gorgeous Sally!
It was probably really hard to dance on the beach with those shoes on. But the image is worth it don't you think?
A final parting shot.
Thanks for all the fun you guys! The wedding is going to rock!
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