Kate, Steve and I met at the Botanical Gardens in Niagara Falls for the engagement session. These two are so much fun! We were laughing for most of the shoot! Kate and I used to go to high school together, and reconnected on facebook this past year. Turns out she was looking for a wedding photographer, and it also turned out that I was a wedding photographer!
We had a wicked time walking around, finding cool locations and just having fun!
Click here to view more images in Kate and Steve's Engagement Slideshow
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Enjoy the images! I can't wait for the wedding. It's going to be amazing! Thanks for hanging out with me you guys.
The light pouring through this old willow tree was too much to resist.
Down the path Steve decided it was time for a dip!
This photo represents them so well. Steve had just offered to help Kate down off some stones we were using. As he picked her up he kissed her neck and then did that thing everyone's grandfather does, I think some people call it a "zerbert" or "raspberry kiss". (quick aside: Zerbert the word was made popular by Bill Cosby on his hit TV show, the Bill Cosby Show)
Steve was so cool cause he kept doing it till I got the shot! Thanks my friend!
A more romantic moment among the tulips.
Ahhh....that light....amazing!
This might have been a tickle....
I love this one. Steve looks so into the moment.

Giggling away!
Giggling away!
Right near the end of our session we found these great trees. This one was the best. These two couldn't stop kissing!
It's so wonderful when you look at a photo and can see love in their eyes.
A portrait of the lovely Kate.
And the lovely Steve too! (Yes, Steve I think you are lovely!)
Is this the real them? Only time will tell.
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