Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's all about the love

Tonight I went out with Bryan  to go to a new book discussion group. Bryan and I have both discovered we love reading a lot of the same books and love talking about them. This was our group's first meeting, and we read Love is the Killer App, by Tim Sanders. It is one of the best books I have ever read in my life. It was literally life changing. 

One of the first photography seminars that I ever went to, back when we were just starting out, was lead by Mike Colon. The first thing he did, was share a couple of books that meant a lot to him and his business. Love is the Killer App was one of the books he recommended. When I came home, I immediately bought the book and tore through it. The ideas were so simple, yet so powerful. It's a book about sharing your knowledge, your compassion and your networks. Through these three areas, you can help others grow and maximize their potential. I love it!

So tonight I was very excited to be able to talk with others about this book. Or so I thought. This night wasn't just about our book group.

Apparently, as Bryan and I have gotten to know our new friends (Krista of Krista Jefferson Photography, Carolyn who works with Krista, and Jen, who is super supportive and smart and also works with Krista as her PR advisor), we may have influenced them a little. When we arrived we were greeted by the three girls who had made custom t-shirts that said "We love (heart) Bryan/Chris". They also had cupcakes with little flags and even had two trophies made up that they presented us with. They said some really nice things, and told us that we had inspired them in their business. (which, by the way, is exactly what Love is the Killer App is all about).

I have to say that it was very humbling. I know for me, I just love to get to know people, and share what I know. If that helps others, then that makes me happy!

I can't wait to share more with the people I've been lucky enough to meet, and I am looking forward to meeting so many of you, who I haven't yet met. There are so many opportunities to help others become more then they are today. I'm excited for the next time I get to inspire someone to new heights. And I'm also excited to be inspired by others. 

And now, let's enjoy some of the fun photos!

Krista, Carolyn and Jen sporting their custom t-shirts. Looking fabulous ladies!

Fancy drinks with umbrellas are a must for any book club meeting.

Mmmmm.... cupcakes....

Carolyn is about to give Bryan a trophy. She said some really amazing things about Bryan. And I totally agree with her!

Bryan was listening. I think he didn't know what to say. Bryan - it was so deserved! You are a truly remarkable person and photographer!

And a big hug afterwards!

I like happy Bryan! 

He attempted to take a self portrait with the trophy. Look at the precarious grip he has on the camera! A second later it fell from his hand, but luckily it was over the nice soft couch.

I think it's so awesome that the top of the trophy was a bowler!

The book that started it all.

Our cameras are always nearby! Click click click!

I love silly faces.

All night long I was sitting next to Jen, and she had these really cool glasses on, which had a larger side piece to them, and it was often blocking my view of her eyes. So most of the night I was listening without making eye contact. I asked her to take off her glasses and took one of my most favorite shots. Looking good Jen!

I tried the same shot with Krista, but she was too fast for me!

Ah yes, here are the glasses. When she was talking to everyone, she was looking outward, and all I could see was the side of her glasses. They are pretty cool glasses though!

Carolyn's daughter woke up and came down to cuddle with mommy. What a great moment.


I wonder what she's thinking.

After the little one goes back to bed, Bryan decides to take pictures of some of the balloons.

Action shot! I love it!

I wanted to make sure that the little guy made it home okay, so I buckled him in tight. 

Thanks for everything tonight guys. You all inspire me. G-night!

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