We had a great time with Lauren and Julia a few weeks ago. Just in time for the holidays! Enjoy!
Click here to view Lauren and Julia's slideshow.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Merry Christmas Lauren & Julia!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Orchids are lovely
We've had this orchid since the summer. It just keeps blooming and blooming. Amanda just had this picture framed today (as a gift for someone - shhh!) and I had to share it with you all.
Flowers brighten our days. I highly recommend having some in your home or office. Or if not the actual flowers...pictures of them! Let me know if you need some - I've got thousands!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Watch for our ad in Niagara Wedding Magazine
Check out our new ad in Niagara Weddings Magazine. We've featured a few of our wonderful couples in the ad, and provided a link to our blog so everyone can see their slideshows. We had so many great pictures to choose from for the ad, that we figured let's send everyone to the blog so they can see the slideshows.
We also worked with the magazine editor Lori Littleton on a couple of the photo spreads in the next issue. Lori is great - she is so organized and on top of things - very important when you are the editor of a magazine! For this issue we shot a whole bunch of products for registry gift ideas, as well as some incredible bouquets by local florists. We are also pleased to say that one of our couples wedding will be featured in the issue. Can you guess who? Post your guesses in the comments section of this blog post. And no, the couple who is in the magazine can't guess. (they know already!).
If you live in the Niagara Region the magazine should be arriving by mail just before Christmas. Just in time to start planning your weddings!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Planning for 2008 - Photo courses
We've got a number of things that we are working on for 2008 that we are really excited about! Stay tuned for updates to come as we finalize all the details. Here is something we've been working on.
Photography Classes Anyone?
One of our ideas is to have photography classes. We will be starting with two levels (beginner and intermediate) which will include classroom work, practical applications of techniques, photo assignments and shooting excursions. We want to teach you how to get the best photos possible! We are still setting up the courses, but wanted to open it up to our valuable blog readers first. So, here is the question. What do you want to know about? What sort of information would you find valuable? What do you want to learn?
Email all your ideas and suggestions for our new photo classes to Jory, who will be putting the lists together of what you want to know. If you'd like to sign up to receive more information about the classes and when they will be you can email Jory too.
We can't wait to hear from everyone!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Tori & Brendan
Tori and Brendan are two people that we've known for a while. In a past life Tori and I worked at the Shaw Festival, and I met Brendan while playing in a rec volleyball league with Tori. They were also invited to Anemone and Mike's wedding in Mexico, so when the time came to decide where to do their engagement session Mexico seemed like a perfect choice!
We wanted to do something a little different, as 3 days earlier Anemone and Mike had done their engagement session at the resort we were staying at. Tori suggested going downtown to make things a little more 'urban' and I've got to say that it was a brilliant idea. There were great colours and architecture, and Tori and Brendan kept adding little things that were so 'them'. They had been taken dancing lessons back home, so on a couple of occasions you will see them dancing on the beach. I don't think the locals knew what to make of us. Me as the paparazzi following them around as they danced in the waves, while my capable volunteer assistant Luella carried camera bag, cameras and three sets of shoes, all while yelling things to me like "Chris - wave!" which was good, because without her eagle eyes, I was so caught up in getting the shots that I would have been submerged in the waves that kept coming up the shore. (Thanks Luella!)
It was a great time and we got some amazing pictures. I cannot wait for the wedding!
Click here to view Tori and Brendan's slideshow.
Enjoy the pictures!
PS - I wish we were all still there!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Dancing Lessons
I just noticed that I had a message from Jim (Mike's Dad of Nem and Mike). I was going to post the salsa lesson video here for everyone to enjoy and I haven't yet. The file size was a little big, and I was trying to figure out how to make it smaller. I think I've got it now.
This one is for you Jim! Enjoy!
And here are a couple of pictures to go along with the video.
Fawn is really getting into it!

Nem is keeping her eyes on our instructor. She's a quick learner!

See what I mean. This is a few minutes later. She's got it!

Tori and Brendan, our resident dance experts.

There was a bit of a language barrier, so Brendan asked to be shown in the language of 'ze dance'

Such poise, such determination...

Luella posing during a quick dance break.

And the lessons continued the next morning. By the end of two sessions, 3 people could dance, one had a sore ankle and the rest of us were aware that there had been dancing, but could not remember any of the steps.

Saturday, November 24, 2007
The 4-hour work week
I just read this book and it is amazing. It might not be for everyone, but for the brave few who do read it you are in for a great ride. I was eager to read it, but a little skeptical at first, but the more I got into it the more sense it made.
I read it this past week and it has literally changed my life. I don't remember the last time a book did that. It talks about freedom, teaches how to get free, and how to be truly rich.
Powerful stuff. Read it, you'll see.
Friday, November 23, 2007
I'm now officially 31
Turning 31 was infinitley easier then turning 30. When I turned 30 I thought I had lost my youth, I was no longer in my 20s, I had crossed over into the realm of another decade. It actually stressed me out a little. Looking back, it was more psychologiacal then anything else. It just required wrapping my head around it as a concept. I was looking at it as a huge jump, from 20 to 30 (a ten year span) and measuring it in my mind as such. In reality, it was just one year, same as any birthday. This year was easier, but now that I think about it, they are really the same, but change depending on how we look at it. Much of life is that way. Our perspective and choices on how we see things (and yes we do have a choice!) is completely up to us and more often then not we create the stresses we are feeling in our lives.
Wow...deep thoughts...and it's not even noon yet.
On another note it snowed all day yesterday, and we have about 2 inches of fresh powder all over. This is what I was looking at last week.
I was in a beautiful place - sun, sand and surf. Now I am at home in the cold but my family is here.
If someone offered me a free trip back their right now I would choose to stay in the cold. Cause my family's here that's why, and a week away from them is long enough for me!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Erin's Maternity session
We had a super time with Erin a couple of weeks ago and had planned to upload her slideshow while in Mexico, but the connection wasn't great for uploading the full slideshow. Now that we are home the slideshow is up!
Click here to view the slideshow.